Thursday, October 24, 2013

Doll making.Dine style.

Doll Adorned.
Photo By Venaya Yazzie

My grandmother and I designed and made the cultural clothing and jewelry ADORNMENT itesmf or this doll. she is dressed in the Navajo style of womens' colthing.

It was a blessing doing this project with her. During the making sessions I was able to see the joy and happiness in my grandmother's eyes as the doll's adornments came together.

Blessing moments all around!



  1. Beautiful Dine style doll.:). U and your Cihtli (grandmother) must be so proud. This is a wonderful doll. By the way Veejay Yazzie do make these beautiful dolls for sale because I would love to buy 1 for my nena Quetzal Nenetl Xihuitl Tezcacoatl ( Precious Doll of Turquoise Reflecting Serpent). Tlazocamati (Thank you),Tlalli Coyolxauhqui:) <3

  2. Hello Tlalli, yes we make the dolls in full Navajo regalia. I will contact you when some are available. Blessings
