Studio portrait by Christain Barthelmes |
This photograph is titled “Red Stocking- Navajo Woman” and
is a studio portrait by Christain Barthelmess. I really love this photograph fo
the way she is adorned. Though a studio
portrait, she is depicting the true
essence of a Navajo female in terms of Navajo philosophy and identity.
She is dressed in post Long Walk clothing via her floral
cotton tiered skirt and collared blouse. She has a Pendelton type shawl over
her and is adorned in silver and I’m sure turquoise and coral. Her fingers are
adorned with various silver ring bands. She also wears a silver squash blossom
necklace with turquoise choker and silver buttons on her shirt.
The other reason I wanted to address this photo is because of
the title handwritten on the photo itself which reads “Navajo Squaw.” This term
might have been a societal norm and accepted in the era it was photographed,
but really it is a disrespectful, rude and non-acceptable term to use in the 21st
century. In early days of American society this derogatory term was used by
men, but it should never be used ever to address an Indigenous woman.