Saturday, September 30, 2017

Neo-Indigenous Adornment

Here are some items that the neo-Indigenous person adorns with.  We are still here, we are steadfast, we are strong.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Venaya Speaks!

Fort Lewis College has hosted this event for many years now, and with it a plethora of visiting Indigenous speakers, artists, educators and performers.  This year I will be speaking and leading a workshop titled:

Decolonizing Their Feminism Via Indigenous Epistemology.

Here is info from their FLC site:

 Her workshop will be offered both at 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. in the La Plata Room and is called: "Decolonizing their Feminism via indigenous Epistemology." The conscious cultural awareness of the Desert Matriarch concerns the Epistemology of Navajo and Pueblo societies of women as intrinsic 'leaders' in their communities. We as 21st century women must re-ignite this concept in our modernity as an act of decolonizing, especially away from the alien Euro-American concept of feminism

Please visit my website  which features more information on my workshops and speaking services and engagements below.